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How to Apply


Before applying for a grant, please send an e-mail message or telephone to verify that grant funds are available for the current year.

Applicants should submit the following documents to the Foundation office on or before April 1st.

  • A one- or two-page Letter of Inquiry describing the need for the grant. Include the time frame and purpose of why funds are being requested.

  • If a dance competition for prize monies, list complete contact information (name, address, telephone number, e-mail address), name of the event, dates, location, and particular age groups to receive the prize monies.

If a family is applying to the DanceStart Program for a grant, submit the following:


  • Letter of Inquiry describing the need for the grant.

  • Certified copy of last two years tax returns, complete. If dancer is a dependent, then parent’s returns for last two years is also required.

  • Birth certificate.

  • Certificate or letter from the dance school that student is in good standing at the school.

  • Dance school performance data for evaluation.

  • Testimonials regarding the dancer’s character, e.g., academic instructors, work supervisors, or clergy.

  • Certificate from a physician about the dancer’s health.

  • Name of the nonprofit organization or nonprofit school the dance student is associated with.

  • Optional: Statement of outside activities in which applicant has participated.

In all cases, recipients are selected on the merits of their proposals and on their potential contribution to advancing the foundation’s objectives.

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