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Junior & Youth DanceSport Series


Please use the following Discrepancy Form if results have not been posted for the dance competition(s) you have competed in. Thank you.


Age groups that qualify are based on the National Dance Council of America (NDCA) age groups and they are:


  • Pre-Teen I: 9th birthday or less

  • Pre-Teen II: 10th or 11th birthday

  • Junior I: 12th or 13th birthday

  • Junior II: 14th or 15th birthday

  • Youth: 16th, 17th, or 18th birthday

Junior and youth dancesport competitors will accumulate points at the competitions listed below for ranking beginning at the Ohio Star Ball each November. Tabulation of scoring will begin at the Ohio Star Ball in November and end at the last event before the next Ohio Star Ball.

2024-2025 Series Events
Ranking System

Ranking Results will appear at after each dance competition.


The Tabulation of points will be based on multi dance categories only.


Pre-Teen 1 & Pre-Teen 2 competitors will earn points for the highest level Closed 5-Dance multi-dance category.


Junior 1, Junior 2 & Youth competitors will earn points for the highest level Open 5-Dance multi-dance category.


Special 5-Dance multi-dance cross-age level grand slam or scholarship categories will also earn points.

Points will be awarded in the following manner:

  • Each Call Back = 5 points

  • Every 1st Place = 20 points

  • Every 2nd Place = 15 points

  • Every 3rd Place = 10 points

  • Every 4th Place = 8 points

  • Every 5th Place = 6 points

  • Every 6th Place = 4 points

  • Every 7th Place = 2 points

  • Every 8th Place = 2 points


Awards will be given at the Ohio Star Ball in 2023 to the top 10 couples in Ballroom, to the top 10 couples in Latin, and to the participants of the Team Match. To obtain the awards, couples must enter and compete at the Ohio Star Ball.


The beginning prize monies for the Fordney Junior and Youth Dance Series totals $25,000 each year with the possibility of enhancement in subsequent years. This generous offering by the Fordney Foundation will be shared with the listed age groups and the overall Top Ten Couples in the Ballroom and Latin Divisions.


The overall Ballroom and Latin winners of the Fordney Foundation Junior & Youth Dancesport series will be invited to perform at the following year's Arnold Youth Dancesport Festival in Columbus Ohio.

Top 10 Grand Finale Awards are:

Fordney Youth Team Match Regions

Prize money will be given in vouchers and reimbursed with receipts.


Team Match:
An East coast, Central, West coast, and Canadian Team Match composed of 6 couples on each team will be offered:
First place award $3,000, 2nd place award $2,000 and 3rd place award $1,000 making a total of $6,000.


Team Match Colors:

West = Red

Central = Green

East = Blue

Canada = Gold


Click on the button below to register at one or more of the following dance competitions.

On that page, click the United States map next to Fordney Foundation. You may then select a region (1 through 7) and then choose a competition.

Top Studio Award

The three dance studios that have the most points in the Fordney Foundation Junior and Youth Dance Series will receive trophies.


Note that the dance couples must list the school they are from to receive the points for Top Studio award.


The Qualifying Event must consist of the following competition requirements:


  • Contain PT 1, PT 2, JR 1, JR 2, and YOUTH Age Categories.

  • Complete a dance-off between PT 1 AND PT 2 of the age groups—no automatic winners without a dance-off.

  • Complete a dance-off between JR 1 AND JR 2 of the age groups—no automatic winners without a dance-off.

  • There is no dance off for the winners of the Youth Categories. –automatic qualifier without a dance-off.)

  • Receive a letter and an Application Form for the qualifying couple.

  • The chairman or official will give the winning couple of the dance-off a letter and the Application Form.

  • The Application Form must be correctly completed and mailed to the following address:  P. O. Box 14442, Columbus, OH 43214

  • The Application Form must be mailed three weeks prior to the start of the Ohio Star Ball Championships 


  • A Dance picture must be submitted with the application.

  • No verbal entries will be accepted. ­


The Classifications include the following three Categories:

  • PT 1 – 2 —no automatic winners without a dance-off.

  • JR 1 – 2 —no automatic winners without a dance-off.

  • YOUTH –automatic qualifier without a dance-off.)

Ohio Star Ball Finale Rules:

  • Only one performance by a couple allowed at the Ohio Star Ball.

  • A couples Routine must not exceed 1 minute and 30 seconds, including set-up and entry. If music exceeds it will be faded out after three (1:30) minutes. 

  • All music must be brought to the music director in a non-protected MP3 format on a Flash drive 40 minutes prior to performing. The music director will be located in Battelle Hall directly behind the convention center in Columbus, Ohio.

  • The qualifying winners of the Best of the Best Fordney Foundation are allowed to dance any style in the Best of the Best dance off and are allowed to wear costumes of their choice.

  • No props are allowed. Unless apart of the dancer’s costume
    and not discarded.


  • Two lifts are allowed but not overhead.

  • Finale entrants must be an active competitor at the Ohio Star Ball.

  • The overall winner of the PT, JR, and YOUTH will be invited to perform an encore dance on Friday evening.


Please Remember, you must be an active competitor at the
Ohio Star Ball.

  • Dance picture must be submitted with the application.

  • You can qualify at many events, but you are limited to only one routine in the Finale.

2025 Best of the Best
Dancesport Challenge
Resources for Organizers, Teachers, Coaches
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Fordney Foundation


Phone: 818-532-7341

Address: 5739 Kanan Road, #206
Agoura Hills, CA 91301


Thanks for submitting!

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© 2023 Fordney Foundation

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