If you partake in ballroom/dancesport activities, you could be missing it more than anything else in your life. And it could be affecting you more than you know. Often times, the outside world does not understand how strong the feelings within you are to perform cherished dance movements that excite your inner soul! Others may not see how necessary it is for you to be creative in this way—connected to your true spiritual energy.
Ballroom dancers are a unique brand of people. Hold on to your dance visions, you will be back to fulfill your heart's desire soon. In the meantime, keep moving and glide through the current situation by continuing to be creative, if only in your mind. Dancers are powerful mental, spiritual, physical beings with the capacity to bring their abilities into focus to create their own reality. Continue to use your powerful awareness, ideas, dreams, plans and even your frustrations as ways to explore and improve various forms of body movement you may practice now or still need to learn. Use your higher consciousness to achieve goals and channel your emotions.
I look at your current situation as an incredible opportunity to be able to do divine, ballroom dance in a more intuitive way. Not everyone can do ballroom dance for many reasons, but that would not be you. For now, live in your head, if you must, while holding on to your dreams. See yourself as a flawless, poised dancer in motion, utilizing hand, arm and leg movement in elegant style. You surely do stand out from the crowd, continue to prove it. Maybe, one day, people who don’t get it, or are doubters, can come to a competition and be dazzled by your awesome skills. They will get to see what true intentions and passion really looks like.
I wanted to remind you of how magnificent you truly are. Look at these stunning photos the Fordney Foundation proudly took of you from past competitions. Right about now, my dancing friends, you should be proud, happy, and looking forward to what the future holds. You are lucky individuals, who get to do what very few people in the world know how to do. You create beautiful dance art. You are probably in the best shape a person can be in. You are using every muscle in your body and you probably have excellent posture to go with it. Look at any ballroom dancer; they always carry themselves with poise and confidence. It comes with the territory. You get to exercise your brain by learning new dancing techniques and skills, all the time. And you get to interact with different kinds of people, in all age groups. Your social skills are probably more developed than most people. Believe me, that only helps you to become more successful in life.
Ballroom dance will thrive again and you fabulous dancers are prepared and more than ready to see it happen. We all miss our wonderful dancesport. It is a deeply rich, emotional and rewarding experience we have come to appreciate and treasure more than ever!
***We have received contributions from individuals who would like to have a dear relative or friend who passed on remembered that loved to dance or was a dance aficionado. We call these memorial contributions. Perhaps you would like to have someone memorialized in this manner. Make a donation and give us their name. We have on our website a yellow brick road to engrave their name to a brick as a memorial to that person. This contribution will assist future generations of dancers and help keep young people more positive and healthy.
Thought Of The Week:
“The world accommodates you for fitting in, but only rewards you for standing out” ― Matshona Dhliwayo